On December 9th, “100 Reasons to Love Guizhou” Global Short Video Competition, hosted by Guizhou Daily Press and sponsored by Moutai Group for public benefits, is officially launched on major domestic and foreign social media and platforms.


The event invites netizens in the world to share their stories with Guizhou through short videos and promote colorful Guizhou together.



"I came to Guizhou because I love Guizhou foods."


Ren Jie, a Bangladeshiyoungman who came to study in Guizhou in 2019, now gains a Guizhou appetite. Sour and spicy flavors of Guizhou dishes, hustle and bustle Guizhou cities, these are what attract Ren and his friends.


Now, let"s click to watch Ren"s stories with Guizhou.


视频作者 杨瑾祎

指导老师 雷昊


策划/王璐瑶 闵捷 庞博

执行/黄怡雯 韦雨辛

海报 齐青杨

编辑 朱紫蒨

编审 田旻佳
