Photo: Chen Yalin
陈亚林 摄
As an entertainment, the Yi marriage dance Amei Qituo, popular among the Yi ethnic group in the mountains of Sanbao Township, Qinglong County, SW China"s Guizhou Province, once faced the plight of being lost. It is the passion and adherence of Qinglong people for generations in those difficult years that has made it the best-known name card for Qinglong both home and abroad.
Photo: Chen Yalin
陈亚林 摄
In Yi language, Ameirefers to the unmarried girl and Qituomarriage and wedding. As suggested, Amei Qituoindicates that a girl gets married. People usually danced Amei Qituoon a Yi girl"s wedding ceremony.
This is a special dance. People used to dance to no music but the percussion rhythms tapped out by their own footsteps and hands. But Amei Qituois a kind of group dance, so it is a great test of the dancers" rapports. Later, in order to better promote and spread the art, music and lyrics were added to it.
It takes at least 1 hour or up to a whole day to dance Amei Qituo. Amei Qituofocuses on the movements of hips, knees and ankles to show the beauty of the dance. The dancers cooperate meticulously with each other to make an intriguing scene. The sound of a group of dancers stomping on the ground is like rumbles, which is very impressive, full of a strong visual impact and artistic appeal.
Photo: Chen Yalin
陈亚林 摄
Now, every night in the town"s square, music of Amei Qituowill ring out, and even kids who have just learned to walk will imitate the dancers to jump and stomp gaily.
Photo: Chen Yalin
陈亚林 摄
Reporter: Sun Jinnan
Editor: Wang Ziyi
Senior Editor: Min Jie