

1、Hello. 歌曲的名字是"chihuahua" 是 DJ Bobo 的单曲Act I: No.2 Valse-Intrada (Tempo Di Valse) 是柴可夫斯基作的一首收录在《天鹅湖》里面的圆舞曲!Barbie of Swan Lake combines fantasy, ballet and Tchaikovsky’s unforgettable music as performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. Peter Martins, Ballet Master in Chief of the New York City Ballet, choreographs the wondrous dance scenes of this spectacular ballet in a way never experienced before. 中文曲名: 第一幕第二场 引子圆舞曲在VeryCD有整本的《天鹅湖》(Swan Lake)。

