
In the midst of spring, a time for taking in the beauty of nature, the vast fields of rapeseed flowers in Dunzhai town, Jinping County, Guizhou Province have entered their peak bloom. As one walks through the Liangsi Dam in Dunzhai Town, the air is filled with the golden charm and delicate fragrance of the blossoming flowers.


The rapeseed fields, picturesque villages, lush green mountains, and flowing river all come together to create a stunning, colorful rural landscape. On March 9th, aerial footage captured the breathtaking sight of millions of blooming rapeseed flowers covering the Liangsi Dam in Jinping County,Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province.

油菜花田与村寨、周边翠绿的青山、一条河流相互映衬,呈现出一幅多彩清新的乡村田园画卷。 3月9日,航拍贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州锦屏县敦寨镇亮司大坝万亩的油菜花。

Source: gzspic.com

Editor: Peng Yi

Senior Editor: Tian Minjia
