It is the best time to visit Golden Avenue in Huaxi District, Guiyang City as the temperature drops down.


Aerial photo shows the Golden Avenue. (Photo: Liu Qing)


黄金大道。(无人机图片) 刘青 摄

The 560-meter avenue was first created in 1956 and gained its name with more than 100 French sycamores planted along the banks of the Huaxi River which turn golden in the autumn.


In 2017, after upgrading, the route was extended to 1.7 kilometers with varying landscapes.


Aerial photograph shows the Golden Avenue in Huaxi District, Guiyang City. The leaves of French sycamore trees along the river turn golden in autumn colors, which is picturesque. (Photo: Chen Rongsong)

航拍贵阳市花溪区黄金大道,河畔的法国梧桐树叶金黄,秋色美不胜收。陈荣松 摄

Aerial photograph shows the Golden Avenue in Huaxi District, Guiyang City. The leaves of French sycamore trees along the river turn golden in autumn colors, which is picturesque. (Photo: Chen Rongsong)

航拍贵阳市花溪区黄金大道,河畔的法国梧桐树叶金黄,秋色美不胜收。陈荣松 摄

Aerial photograph shows the Golden Avenue in Huaxi District, Guiyang City. The leaves of French sycamore trees along the river turn golden in autumn colors, which is picturesque. (Photo: Chen Rongsong)

航拍贵阳市花溪区黄金大道,河畔的法国梧桐树叶金黄,秋色美不胜收。陈荣松 摄

Aerial photo shows the Golden Avenue in Huaxi. (Photo: Liu Qing)

贵阳市花溪区黄金大道。(无人机图片) 刘青 摄

Golden Avenue in Huaxi District, Guiyang City, adds beauty to the autumn days. (Photo: Shang Yujie)

贵阳市花溪区黄金大道秋色斑斓,色彩缤纷。尚宇杰 摄

Golden Avenue in Huaxi District, Guiyang City, adds beauty to the autumn days. (Photo: Shang Yujie)

贵阳市花溪区黄金大道秋色斑斓,色彩缤纷。尚宇杰 摄


Editor: Wang Ziyi

Senior Editor: Tian Minjia
